I contacted Motostorm and they said as long as it was in the same condition as when I had received it, they would process a return so that I could then order a larger size. In the process of trying to make it work, one if the zippers became misaligned, and I misplaced the tags. Its excessive bodywork and low hanging front bumper aren't really that helpful in an off-road racing game.Click to expand.I ordered a suit from them for about $700, the suit arrived fairly quickly, however upon arrival I discovered it was too small. To a lesser extent, the Italia Velocitagrave.Notable for understeer, the little effort at which it rolls and being larger (read: easier for Monster Trucks and Big Rigs to hit) than most Buggies. Tier-Induced Scrappy: The Beelzebuggy Spaceframe II from Pacific Rift, on the low-tier side.By the game design that's averted: all vehicles from a class should have the same speed and handling, only changing hitboxes and little nuances.Also the Scion handles better than all the unlicensed Expy cars. isn't just brought to you by Scion, its also a Motorstorm game In Name Only. WAS BROUGHT TO YOU BY SCION AND YOU WOULD BE EXTREMELY COOL IF YOU OWNED A SCION SO YOU SHOULD BUY ONE!" Motorstorm R.C. was brought to you by Scion, the loading screens will gladly remind you that "MOTORSTORM R.C. The Problem with Licensed Games: In case you were unaware that Motorstorm R.C.Several otherwise easy tracks can become this when you're either forced to or choose to select vehicles that obviously weren't meant for them, including smaller classes on tracks with lots of water and mud and larger classes on claustrophobic tracks.Both are incredibly chaotic, with things constantly exploding and falling over.

Apocalypse has any track where the incidents get out of hand, but the two most notable ones would be Coach Party and Suburban Shakedown.Ascension is the only notably hard track from Arctic Edge, mostly on account of how long it is.While they aren't too much harder than any other track, the six completely original DLC tracks all seem to have their AI set higher than the regular tracks do, resulting in somewhat of a challenge, even on easy.Individually, Scorched has plenty of obstacles and that damn forest section, Wildfire, like The Edge, has several sloped pathways and Darkfire Swamp, while somewhat tame compared to the others, has that final stretch where it's all to easy to end up falling in lava. Scorched, Wildfire, Darkfire Swamp and all the Volcanic tracks all have a common theme, lava, which not only makes your boost meter rise much faster, but will instantly wreck your vehicle if you touch it.It can also be hard to build up acceleration after you respawn. One wrong move and you'll be falling off in no time. However, the second section, the titular edge, is a long drive across the side of a mountain. The first half isn't bad, and is actually very streamlined. Dust Devil, one of, if not the, longest track in the game, and another one where proper choice of routes is necessary to win.Long, with multiple routes and a ton of obstacles, this track will put you to the test. Sidewinder Gulch is a hell of a track that seems to represent a difficulty spike in the game.Wouldn't be so bad, if not for some of the earliest races taking place on it. A tight, claustrophobic track where choosing the right route is crucial. Coyote Rage from Monument Valley certainly lives up to its name.